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Migration Notes

Foundation July Content Update

Building part sets

In order to categorize the different parts of a building in the construction window, buildings and monuments now have building part sets.

For assets from type ASSET_BUILDING, the attribute BuildingPartList is now replaced with BuildingPartSetList (a list of BUILDING_PART_SET).

Migration example for the Example 02 mod:

    DataType = "MONUMENT",
--  Old
--  BuildingPartList = {
--  },    
--  New
    BuildingPartSetList = {
            Name = "PRODUCTION_CORE",
            BuildingPartList = {
            Name = "PRODUCTION_EXTENSION",
            BuildingPartList = {
            Name = "ENTRANCE",
            BuildingPartList = {
            Name = "DECORATION",
            BuildingPartList = {

Event choices

The event assets have been reworked to give the possiblity to have multiple actions triggered when a choice is made. The class EVENT now has a new attribute ChoiceList (a list of EVENT_CHOICE), replacing the attribute ActionList.

Migration example for the Example 01 mod, where the action to give a quest has been replaced by a choice that gives two quests:

    DataType = "EVENT",
--  Old
--  ActionList = {
--      {
--          DataType = "EVENT_ACTION_GIVE_QUEST",
--          ShortName = "SUPER_EVENT_ACCEPT_QUEST",
--          Quest = "SUPER_QUEST"
--      },
--      {
--          DataType = "EVENT_ACTION_IGNORE",
--          ShortName = "KINGDOM_DECLINE",
--      }
--  },
--  New
    ChoiceList = {
            ShortName = "EVENT_CHOICE_GIVE_TWO_QUESTS",
            EventActionList = {
                { DataType = "EVENT_ACTION_GIVE_QUEST", Quest = "SUPER_QUEST" },
                { DataType = "EVENT_ACTION_GIVE_QUEST", Quest = "GREAT_QUEST" }
            ShortName = "KINGDOM_DECLINE",
            EventActionList = {
                { DataType = "EVENT_ACTION_IGNORE" }


New mod.json

In order to only load mods when enabled, Foundation will now need a new description file for each mod. It will declare all the things Foundation would need to know about the mod without parsing the lua file.

	"Name": "Simple Example Mod",
	"Author": "Leo",
	"Description": "A very simple mod example",
	"Version": "2.0.0",
	"AdditionalLanguageList": [
			"Name": "Klingon",
			"Code": "tlh"

createMod() function is simplified

Since the new mod.json file already contains all basic information about the mod, the foundation.createMod() function does not take any parameter anymore.

local myMod = foundation.createMod()

GENERAL_DATA asset type has been removed

GENERAL_DATA asset type has been removed and all its properties has been moved to BALANCING.

However, modders can now partially override Foundation main balancing (DEFAULT_BALANCING), instead of being forced to replace all balancing properties. see Asset override for more information.

migration.1564765643.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/08/02 13:07 by maxime

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